How to change your cellphone’s keyboard layout to German QWERTZ on Windows Mobile 6.1

Wow, what a headline… Anyway, I’ve upgraded my HTC S730 / Wings yesterday from Windows Mobile 6 to 6.1 and noticed the keyboard layout was set to QWERTY with no natural support for Umlauts 😦
So I did some research and found a way to solve this problem.

  1. Download ‘Koteshi’s Windows Mobile 6.1 customizing pack‘ and unzip it.
  2. Go to ‘german keyboard layout’ and copy the file ‘eT9.Wings.0407.kmap.txt‘ to your cellphone’s ‘Windows‘ folder
  3. Start your favorite registry editor for windows mobile devices. Mine is CeRegEditor which can be downloaded at
  4. Locate ‘HKLM\Software\Tegic\eT9\IME\KeyboardLayouDlls‘.
  5. Change the value of ‘000007FF‘ to ‘eT9.Wings.0407.kmap.txt‘.
  6. Reboot.

Done! ^^ Wasn’t that hard, was it?

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